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Forensic Meteorology

Climate studies and weather-related court cases has been a rapidly growing area of meteorology. Freese-Notis meteorologists have over 35 years of experience in this growing field of meteorology. For legal professionals, insurers, and businesses navigating the complexities of weather-related litigation, understanding how forensic meteorology can support your cases is essential. Freese-Notis meteorologists, with over 35 years of experience, are leaders in the field, offering in-depth climate studies and critical evidence, such as did it snow, was there ice melt, to bolster your position in court. Whether its providing expert testimony or conducting comprehensive weather research, our team is equipped to meet the unique challenges of the weather; ensure you have the forensic meteorology expertise on your side.

If your law firm, insurance company or business needs research, archived radar pictures, or expert testimony for weather-related court cases, call Harvey at (515) 770-3598 or e-mail us at info@weather.net.

Freese-Notis Weather Services: (515) 770-3598
© 2025 Copyright Freese-Notis.
2413 Grand Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa, 50312, U.S.A